Plot 32 -"Try before you buy"
Some years ago, plot 32 on the Highcliffe Allotments site had fallen into disuse and become overgrown .The site was cleared by volunteers from HCAA, allotment ranger Bob Chowdrey and Oasis Gardening, a local company that draws people from a wide variety of backgrounds, offering opportunities for employment and volunteering.
Nine raised beds were built for prospective tenants to take on as trial plots.
Research shows that round 50% of new tenants city wide give up their plot in the first year. The ‘Plot 32’ project offers the opportunity to try allotment gardening while you wait for your own tenancy , or even to try before you apply. The aim is to give people a chance to try things on a small scale before taking on a full plot. Basic tools such as hoes, fork, trowel, watering cans and a wheelbarrow have been donated and water is also available from water butts on the plot.
New developments
In addition a bench has been added as well as a small pond with a trellis cover for safety. Wildlife including some common lizards have already been seen as a result.
Interested in a trial bed?
Use the contact form link below to ask for more details.
One or two people havent been able to find plot 32 - use thecontact form link and we will point you the right way..
Contact HCAA via the online form.